featured post

Today's featured post: How many calories are in a feeling?

Saturday, February 2, 2013


BETWEEN THE GOOD AND BAD'S WHERE YOU'LL FIND ME REACHIN FOR HEAVEN!!! '・*:.。. .。.:*・゜゚・*♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪ (if you're at school use this link: http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XNTM1MjcwMjA=.html )

Okay, now that's over with I'm going to talk about: Living.

Living could mean inhaling and exhaling, Living could mean blood is flowing or that synapses are firing off in your brain.
     But it's more than that.
To Live Is to discover . But not just discover anything, Living means discovering EMOTIONS. Not your same old run-of-the-mill emotions; sad happy mad good bad I mean the ones that are indescribable. That's living.
Being alive is a sudden strong feeling in your heart
Being alive is TAKING RISKS
Following what you know to be true.
You're not living if your not discovering.
To go through life Living is is to experience art and art is anything that causes you to feel. Go to a museum . Talk to some one new; outside if your group. Try new experiences. Find a book that you have personal connection to. Try a new genre of shows/movies. Change your diet. TRAVEL. Always find new music. Express love. Build a friendship. Pull an all nighter fueled by top ramen and dance music.Anything. Whatever . Something new. Always. Be evolving. Surprise people that that have't seen you in a while. If you're not constantly discovering you're not alive. Discovering what works. what doesn't. learning what things feel like. Have a person(or a few)who is just what you want to be and inspires you to live.
And above all else don't be lazy.
Too live is to work. Either work for you or work for others.
There are only three things toy can possibly do 1. Things you enjoy 2. Things that make your life better 3. Everything else. Avoid spending time in number three, if you do you'll have a more fulfilling life.

( ^_^)/~~~


  1. im alive- becca. i have that music video on my blog!:) nice post on living.

  2. Thanks! (^∇^)I do like that song !but I couldn't figure out how to embed it... I usually write and post from my iPod
