I love this video I've seen it a lot of times, but I didn't realize a lot of the deep meaning in it until I read this.
Check it out: zanybah.com/dont-hug-me-im-scared-interpretation-2/
War or Peace? (Because love won't know which one it is this time love or war.) War is nasty & ugly. War is hell on earth. Why someone would want to I can't imagine. All I can say is if I were to be drafted I would gladly go to prison than to war. I'm not a fighter. It's what I avoid above all else. In fact it's a crime how much I avoid conflict but I don't care. Because of that I don't think I could call myself a fighter or a lover. because loving involves conflict, pain, an embarrassing exposure. I'm just a weed. Stuck in the ground, I don't go anywhere because I'm good where I am. I don't appear pretty on the outside. I absorb all the good things around me and sit there. I don't even flower. I'm a flowerless weed.
I'm afraid of not being noticed. I'm afraid, above all things that the only beauty exits in my head. I am afraid that my ideas are in my mind and people can never see. I'm never comfortable because the things people think of me aren't what I really love. I fear I am unable to Express, to Connect. Security. Is something I fear I'll never have. I'm afraid of not finding the right friends, which so far I haven't. I am afraid of being alone. (Or do I crave it?). I want Control. I want control of my own life and experiences. I'm afraid I'll die before I get my independence. Idealistically, family and friends would make you feel better but lately I avoid them because a lot of the time they drain from me. I'm afraid of sleeping because I haven't gotten anything done. I'm afraid of dust because one day I will become dust (fear of becoming dust right now). I'm afraid of time passing because its moving even when I'm not.(when i'd like to think i've stepped out of time it keeps going). I'm afraid of large spiders.
And I'm afraid I'll become a potato because there are so many holes I can fall through in the net of my potential.
a potato is weird and lumpy. A potato isn't interesting. a potato falls in to the nasty dirt. There are so many things I can do, opportunities made of strings but there are so many more reasons I can not hold on to them and slip through the gaps.
What if I'm never a bean sprout?
I'm afraid of everything driving by. (afraid of not being noticed) Overlooked because I'm a strange potato or an ugly weed.
If only you could see. Then maybe I wouldn't be so scared.
Growing doesn't stop at a certain age
Age is an absolute illusion.
A persons "age" is not defined by some thing as arbitrary as how many years you have been in existence. it is defined by to things; do you have a PASSION and do you have DRIVE.
Energy defines a person.
There is only Evolution.
Constantly changing. Advancing. No stopping point . You grow, green tentacles and arms.
You get better
You can only fulfill your soul and purpose as you gain more time to do so.
illumination continues in the light inside of you. Progressing onward.
An age is defined the things you love. A persons age is determined by how strong your will to live.
I'm Thinking About You.
I'm thinking about you like baby's think about teeth. Like dolphins think about air and like divers think about dolphins. I'm thinking about you like the first day of spring thinks about strawberry short cakes like the marshmallows think about summer and the Easter bunny thinks about the moon. I'm thinking about you like guys think about girls and the sun thinks about the stars around mars.
Yup I'm thinking about you like waterfalls think about circles and like birds think about migrating patterns. Like dirt thinks about soaking. Like the page think about turning. Like the radio thinks about electricity saying "I can't sing without you. I've got no power without you.".
Like flowers think about blooming and bees think about stripes. and the sun thinks about clouds.
I'm thinking about you like we'll never be apart. I'm thinking about you like a wedding ceremony thinks about rings.
I'm thinking about you like so many things...
But it's you who will never wear the ring
I can't sing because I haven't seen.
You is who I haven't met.
We watch movies. We watch movies to stop chewing on that food particle in our mouth. To stop rubbing our fingers. To stop popping our knuckles and to stop shifting our weight. To stop. thinking, completely.
To stop thinking too much. To stop feeling insecure. To be completely absorbed.
In a world different than your own, a mind other than yours ; for a change.
If we're lucky we can get away from our own head with a big canvas screen and celluloid film for a holiday.
We watch a movie to get away from our cycles, hopefully a good movie will tune out all distractions so we can just be. To be in some thing that will make us feel . andbreath. To enjoy the bliss of a master storyteller.
Love . Love . Love . Now matter how many times I say it I'm not sure i know what it is. What it feels like. Is love the fire when you're with someone of opposite forces? But a fire burns . and burns hurt. is love hurt? is it uncertainty? Yes. Love is shadows in the dark.
Love is methamphetamine . There's rumors it's so great yet you've never had experienced it. It's so elusive, unknown. A stimulant. Love is the boiler that keeps factories turning. factories that make youre food and the clothes that stick to your body . it is a Necessity. Love is steam. Radical and refuses to stay with the rest of the water at the bottom of the beaker.
Love Runs like the instincts of a she-wolf. Love's an apple made of light; when you think you've grabbed it, it dissolves. An Illusion. Love is black red blue violet. Sharp but foggy.
Love is not there.
Or here.
It's in you. It's the Co2 you exhale
For those who cannot read pictures:
I am going to jump out. I'm going to fall. What seems like neverending. The loudest sound in the world my own heart. So many things so big. I cannot see. DRIFTING. No breathing. No movement. Euphoria. Colors. moments. Feeling. on and on. the song is coming to an end; the song of my whole life. T can see it now, the greens. You know I didn't want to see You it means its over. but it can't be over yet I'm not on the ground yet. buti can feel it. The feeling of closing. but this time, closing without regret. Hey to You, i think i love you I never wanted to see you. Be consumed in my own rushing ecstasy. butim glad to see you again, let you in. Hello Earth. I'm almost there. i'll touch your surface and we'll join. I liked it up there but down here is much more comforting and looks warmer. i hold your hand and we'll walk through the fields. i don't think i'll leave this place agian because now i realize I've got something worth protecting.
BETWEEN THE GOOD AND BAD'S WHERE YOU'LL FIND ME REACHIN FOR HEAVEN!!! '・*:.。. .。.:*・゜゚・*♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪ (if you're at school use this link: http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XNTM1MjcwMjA=.html )
Okay, now that's over with I'm going to talk about: Living.
Living could mean inhaling and exhaling, Living could mean blood is flowing or that synapses are firing off in your brain.
But it's more than that.
To Live Is to discover . But not just discover anything, Living means discovering EMOTIONS. Not your same old run-of-the-mill emotions; sad happy mad good bad I mean the ones that are indescribable. That's living.
Being alive is a sudden strong feeling in your heart
Being alive is TAKING RISKS
Following what you know to be true.
You're not living if your not discovering.
To go through life Living is is to experience art and art is anything that causes you to feel. Go to a museum . Talk to some one new; outside if your group. Try new experiences. Find a book that you have personal connection to. Try a new genre of shows/movies. Change your diet. TRAVEL. Always find new music. Express love. Build a friendship. Pull an all nighter fueled by top ramen and dance music.Anything. Whatever . Something new. Always. Be evolving. Surprise people that that have't seen you in a while. If you're not constantly discovering you're not alive. Discovering what works. what doesn't. learning what things feel like. Have a person(or a few)who is just what you want to be and inspires you to live.
And above all else don't be lazy.
Too live is to work. Either work for you or work for others.
There are only three things toy can possibly do 1. Things you enjoy 2. Things that make your life better 3. Everything else. Avoid spending time in number three, if you do you'll have a more fulfilling life.