Take me when I'm old. Or at least old enough to think I'm old.
Take me some time after after I buy a house.
Take me when I truly have nothing else to do.
Take me when all else has died.
Take me after I get a chance to feel more love than I am capable at my parents home.
Take me only after I've tried and failed thousands of times.
Don't take me full of too many regrets.
Take me after I've seen you're face but escaped, cheating death more than once isn't fair.
Take me after I have gotten the pleasure of standing under Tokyo Tower.
Take me when I've lost my hair.
Take me to your domain but please not while it's raining.
It would be too dramatic.
Don't take me with tears.
I do not fear you. When my time is inevitable I will go with you.
Just give me a fair chance. I hope against all assumptions that you are, in fact are fair.
Take me after I've seen my nephews.
Take me after I've taken refuge.
Take me when my hourglass has emptied, just don't tell me when.
Take me after I've bought a 3D printer and been to the wedding of my sister.
Gosh I miss her.
Take me after I've seen them all.
Take me on a soft October night. (i've heard it's your favorite month)
But not in the morning.
Take me after I've taken my toast and tea.
Take me on the equinox.
The equinox not of summer or spring but in winter on a cold night after I have counted my coffee jars.
Take me after I've said what I meant.
Take me when man has reached Mars.
Take me after I've gotten smarter.
Take me after I've gotten fatter.
Take me after I gathered a rose bud or two.
and take me to live in this post forever, please