featured post

Today's featured post: How many calories are in a feeling?

Friday, June 7, 2013

If objects could speak.

Walls have stories. Every single object has a compelling story. 
All you have to do is ask. 

     You don't need me, your hair looks fine honey

     Rip my rubber again and I'll KILL you there won't always be more replacements!

     I am silver and exact. You stare at me too long. I really DO like the words you rub in me after the shower I find them inspirational. 

   You should get that checked. Don't be anxious to talk to your mother

     I don't ENJOY seeing you naked! It just sort of happens every day 

     When I die just please have the courtesy of throwing me in the recycling I don't want to be surrounded by rotting food!

     I used to be more than just a Pretty Stalk. I used to be NEEDED. 

     I seem to be in the same boat as the candle the boat that drifted from necessity daily to aesthetic object

     Hey what's all the fuss?

     Don't make me blush

Desk Chair
     I see so many asses covered with cheesy logos

     I like your lips. wish I could smell your saliva forever. And stop shoveling me into overcooked rice okay? why don't you take me to your bed with you and hold me under your pillow

Canned Liver
     I'm not that bad, really. Why do people always put me in a box if yknowhatimean and think I'm brown and nasty

Bar Soap
     Stop throwing me in the garbage! For the sake of my brothers and sisters get your mother to stop purchasing

Storage Crates
     Um y'know, I'm dusty

     You KILLED ME!!

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